Wallach ZoomStar Colposcope with Trulight, Video Camera and Centerpost (906057-40TU). ZoomStar offers the same quality optics and features as ZoomScope on an exclusive compact center stand with a spring loaded main shaft for gross height adjustment, with the addition of fine height adjustment.
The 906057-40TU model includes integrated Video and Camera.
Wallach's innovative Trulight lighting system incorporates five high-intensity, long-life light emitting diodes (LEDs) positioned around the objective lens for optimal colposcopic examinations. Precisely angled, the solid-state LED lights converge onto the target offering a brighter, whiter light for true tissue color. The center light is green and can be turned on at the touch of a switch for vascular pattern delineation.
- Stereoscopic continuous 4.5 to 20x zoom Nikon optics for optimal viewing and image magnification
- Trulight LED illuminates target tissue; center Green
- LED enables detection of vascular patterns
- USB video camera captures images and integrates into EMR systems
- 5 solid-state bright LEDs
- Lights converge on target
- No need to frequently change a light bulb
Optical Specifications:
- Objective lens (working distance): 285mm
- Total magnification: 4x to 20x
- Field of view: 51.95 down to 12.12 mm
- Depth of field: 11.2
- Ocular (eyepieces): 20x (field number 12)
- Interpupillary range: 54 to 75 mm
- Tilt of viewing head: 60 degrees
- Binocular tube design: Greenbough
- Binocular tube length: 39 to 50 mm
- Vessel delineation light
- Objective type: Achromatic
Stand and Base Specifications
- Adjustable height: 102 to 130cm
- Height of column: 101.6cm
- Overall weight: 10.7kg
- Center of column to end of leg: 30.5 cm
- Height of microscope from floor: 91.5 to 117cm
- Fused power input: 2-amps fast flow fuses (2x), 250V, 5mm x 20mm
- Power requirements: 100-200/200-240VAC, 50/60Hz, 100VA